Do you have laser focus on your vision? That end goal? The desired outcome for your business?
Ok maybe you know what that vision is but are you laser focused on the path that’s going to get you there?
Or are you weaving in and off that path with shiny object distractions?
(No judgement here – I’m a magpie too!)
Here’s the thing…
Your oath can change. Hurdles happen. That’s all part of growing your business.
But it’s staying focused on that big vision you have that helps you to make the RIGHT decisions.
So next time that shiny object comes up – just ask yourself – is this REALLY helping me on my path? Or is it something I can do/invest in/spend time on later?
Be totally honest with yourself!
Because these distractions are sent to test us.
To see how focused we REALLY are and if that path we are on really is the right one for us, or if there’s another route that feels more aligned.
Pivots can and do happen, but when they do it’s so worth taking a step back and doing that inner work to figure out which is the right path to take, FOR YOU!
Forget industry standards and what everyone else is doing because they are not you!
When your personal brand is aligned to you and your values – that’s where the results happen!
Want to know the exact frameworks that skyrocketed my personal brand to positioning me as a leader in my field and becoming a high ticket client magnet?
My NUMBER ONE website design platform for service based businesses.
Meet Jacquie
Hey lovely! I'm Jacquie and I'm on a mission to empower ambitious, heart-led and impact driven female founders all over the world to stand out and become the next level version of themself.
I'm here to help you to build a stand out personal brand that gives you ALL the good things in life! Freedom, impact, abundance and love.
Your daily goal setting, wellness and action taking journal to keep you on track with bringing your vision to a reality!
The A-Z of prompts, strategies and insights into building a stand out, next level personal brand.
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