It’s been over 2 years since I last rebranded and A LOT has changed since then!
I always say to my clients and those in my trainings that it’s a good idea to rebrand when you have had a significant change to your business, ideal client or perhaps even your life.
If you, your business or your ideal client has changed since your last rebrand, chances are it’s just not working for you anymore, no matter how much you loved it to begin with!
Getting your branding right is absolutely key to give you those foundations for building a strong brand for your business. If you don’t love it you’ll find it much harder to push your brand out there and to the right audience.
So, in October 2022 I made the decision to rebrand my business with my plan to launch on my birthday, 16th April in 2023.
My business has evolved so much and I’ve grown as a person too so I wanted to give my branding a refresh so I can take my business to the next level. I just need something a little more, well, me!
I’ll be having a complete rebrand with new brand identity design, new website, photography, systems and workflows, client welcome packs and of course (as a stationery addict) that luxurious branded paperie!
So keep a look out for a fresh new look in spring 2023!
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