I did a little live the other day about ideal/dream clients and it got me thinking.
So many of us creatives get so stuck into the actual client work, social media posting and the general day to day stuff of running a business it’s so easy to forget to do one of the most important things…actually working ON your business.
Sure we need to be working in our business to serve our clients and get the day to day jobs done but by only doing this and not spending any time working ON your business it’s so easy to feel stuck. For those client bookings to start to dwindle or worse, disappear completely.
Why does this happen?
Well, because you get so excited when you do get those bookings and you get stuck into the actual doing you take your eye off the ball.
In order to build a strong, successful brand you should ALWAYS be focusing on where you want to be, not where you are now.
So, in 12 months time, where do you want to be?
What changes do you want to see?
What are your goals?
Those goals will be so much harder to reach if you are only ever working in your business.
You need a strategy in place. That end goal. What kind of person do you want to be a year from now?
For me, I want to be known as the go to expert for anyone looking to rebrand. Not just because they want the pretty visuals. But because they want to achieve that next level in themselves as well as their business.
Because the success they already have is great but they are hungry for more and they want their brand to ooze confidence which will attract their dream clients.
In order to get there I need to be SO clear with my messaging. Not just with my visuals but with my copy, how I speak, the content I share. Even this email.
I am speaking to my next level clients who are ready to make those big changes to reach those goals!
I don’t want to be working with people that are happy with where they are and just want pretty branding.
I want to be working with clients that have amazing goals and aspirations!
I want to help them get there faster!
Why? Because I love to see the growth my clients have. I want to be a cheerleader for my clients to support them and help them grow!
So, I strongly advise you to spend at least 1-2 hours per week (minimum) to work ON your business. On planning for the future. That future you!
Because let me tell you….you are capable of ANYTHING.
So if hitting 6 or 7 figures is your goal – YOU CAN DO IT!
If creating a programme to help others learn how to do what you do is your dream for the future – let’s make it happen!
What’s holding you back from achieving these dreams right now?
I’d love to know what your dream is for the future. Whether it’s in the next 12 months or 5 years. Where would you love to be?
My NUMBER ONE website design platform for service based businesses.
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