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This is where I share all the good stuff. The value, the raw highs and lows of running a business and of course the odd random 'thought of the day' too.

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your next level 6 fig business masterclass series


New episode: Selling High Ticket with Christina Welty


Selling high ticket scalable offers is something I’m hugely passionate about so when I connected with Christina Welty over on the gram earlier this year I just HAD to invite her along for a guest episode on my podcast! Christina is an expert in helping women develop the confidence to sell one high ticket offer […]

New episode: Desiring more does not make you greedy


In todays episode I wanted to talk about something that I think is SO important to highlight, especially as a female entrepreneur. There is a huge misconception that desiring more means you are greedy, or that you’re not happy with what you’ve got. So I’m sharing why I disagree and my views on desiring more. […]

New Episode: Let’s talk about your personal brand

Todays episode on Becoming A Powerhouse Brand is all about the importance of building your personal brand. So many service based entrepreneurs miss this important part when it comes to standing out online and it’s a topic I could talk about for days! In fact this is exactly what you can expect to come as […]

How to market your business for when instagram & facebook are down


Today, during an EPIC launch I’ve been a partner for, both Instagram and Facebook went down. Yikes! Not perfect timing BUT one thing is for sure….it had ZERO impact on my business because I don’t fully rely on social media to market my business. Here’s why… When you post on Instagram, the average lifespan of […]

The key to a successful rebrand for your busines

So, you’re ready to take that next level and you’re starting to plan for a rebrand that will set you apart from your competitors and attract those dream clients? AMAZING! BUT – before you even think about working on the visuals, there is some essential inner work that needs to happen. This is the exact […]

Do you REALLY need a website for your business?

do you really need a website for your business

YES – end of post. OK I could just leave it there but I want you to know WHY it’s this simple and why having a website that is absolutely essential for your business. So, let’s break it down into the key benefits of having a website to promote your business online… How do you […]

6 ways to start making passive income in 2024

small business owners guide to making passive income

It’s 2024 and all there is online right now are faceless accounts and a gazillion people being sucked into the quick wins and overnight success stories to make some extra cash – great for the tiny % that have this kind of success (and it CAN happen, I personally know some people who had massive […]

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An iconic brand not only stands out and attracts dream clients but also expands networks and boosts income, ultimately creating the freedom to thrive.

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