the ultimate level up programme for introverted goal getters who are ready to scale, become a dream client and opportunity magnet, create more freedom & 10x their visibility with the power of personal brand

An Exclusive Member-mind with a focus on personal brand building to position you as a leader in your field & stand out in a way that feels aligned to you. This is your space to shine & scale your business!

Welcome to The Powerhouse Brand Academy, an exclusive group programme designed specifically for introverted service-based female entrepreneurs who have outgrown the standard online memberships and are ready to 10x their impact and step into their next level power..

In this exclusive member-mind, not only do you get the support and connection from an amazing  community of like-minded women,  you also get a fast track route to your next level success with the addition of 1-1 support to keep you accountable and ensure you get those results!

book a call

let's see if this is the right fit for you...

in a fast paced online world there has never been a more crucial time to focus on becoming known for who you are so you can stand out & attract fully aligned clients, connections & opportunities.

your personal brand is the only thing that sets you apart from everyone else doing what you do.

You've already been on the trainings, you know you need to be working on your marketing, content and brand strategy. 

You know you need to be more visible.

You know you need to work on that sales funnel.

You know you want to reduce or remove all of the 1-1 work you're doing and scale to free up more of your time whilst making a bigger impact on more people.

You KNOW all of this!
And I get it!

you're in limbo of wondering what to do next. you have the ideas, you know you are amazing at what you do, but something just isn't clicking.

you're juggling a thriving business, family & personal goals, but despite your success, you feel stuck, overwhelmed with the demands of scaling & you've definitely outgrown your current brand! you need that 1-1 support to help you thrive!

i see you

Your mentor

I WAS that person who bought all the courses on strategy, messaging, business growth. I invested in countless tools and feel like I was doing all the right things.

BUT there was something that wasn't working. Something was missing from the puzzle!

The thing that changed everything was when I started building my own personal brand. Becoming known not just for what I did, but who I am was what changed the game! Because people buy from people! My audience got to know me for ME which made me magnetic for MY aligned clients and people!

We need to trust who we are buying from and know that's the person to help us!

Now I support my clients to step into their next level self with confidence so they can show up, be more visible and become a magnet for those dream clients

hey! I'm jacquie lawes & i'm a brand strategist, mentor, and designer driven by a deep passion to empower female entrepreneurs to emerge as leaders in their field so they can be known not just for what they do, but who they are.

my mission:

to empower success driven & passionate entrepreneurs to own their awesomeness, unleash their inner powerhouse and stand out as their authentic self with a fully aligned magnetic brand they love.

when you love your brand, inside & out - you become a magnet for your perfect fit clients!


unlock your next level success here

So, are you ready to
Step into your NEXT LEVEL SELF
Build a brand you are CONFIDENT in?

transform your business with these exclusive academy access benefits...

Group Community Access: It's not just about what you do but who you surround yourself with when it comes to taking that next level in your business. The women inside The Brand Academy are ready to MOVE! They are NOT here to play small and they are here to support you with bringing your vision to life - VALUE - Priceless

Bi-Weekly Group Hotseat/Accountability/ Check-In Calls: Stay on track with your goals and receive regular support so you are moving forward to achieve your goals faster - VALUE - £5k+

Pre-Recorded Bitesize Trainings: Weekly actionable top tips from me and guest experts, sent via email. - VALUE - Priceless

Content, branding, website & messaging feedback & support to get that instant hook and attraction with your dream clients - VALUE - £6k

Set up your sales funnel so you can start hitting those higher income months on repeat - VALUE - £5k

Support with ideas, creation, audience growth and scaling your scalable offer to 10x your income and reduce the 1-1 work you're currently doing - VALUE - Priceless

Guest experts who will help you to boost your visibility, secure PR features and empower you to step into your next level self with hypnosis sessions and more! - VALUE - Priceless








book a call with jacquie

your next level success starts here!

join for 6 months

join as a founding member


A VIP brand OR BRANDING day with me to scale your business
like never before
(additional value FROM £1.5k)

total value as a member

over £19k / $25k

VIP - join for 12 months

£1888 / $2500

£5555* / $7235

or 6x instalments of £333

or 12x instalments of £555

based on 12 months PIF access


yas! i'm ready!

is it right for you?

The Academy is perfect for you if you are...

Serious about scaling, taking action and you have big exciting goals for the future.

You want to make a bigger impact, to be known for who you are as well as what you do.

You are currently investing in memberships and courses but you're ready for a much more support and help to grow your business surrounded by likeminded women who are on the same journey as you to the next level (oh hello hybrid!)

You thrive on connecting with and supporting other like-minded women in business. You 100% believe in community over competition!

You want to be part of an exclusive community that provides dedicated support, accountability, and personal connection.

You prefer receiving bitesized trainings with actionable tips tailored to their needs, avoiding overwhelming weekly trainings and difficult-to-schedule live training calls. (Don't even go there with how behind you are with the membership trainings - there is such a thing as too much content!)







do you feel seen right now?

then this experience was made for you!

Online business accelerator
Entrepreneur coaching program

"In just 2 months of working with Jacquie I have increased my visibility, attracted and converted my dream clients and connected with industry leaders to increase my business exposure. Jacquie has given me a new sense of direction and made me excited about my business again!"

client feedback

what my clients say...

what my clients say...

The Academy is
not for you if you are...

Looking to stay where you are right now.

Not a team player - whilst you get 1-1 support, this is a group community where support is key!

Not an action taker. I can give you all the tools and support but you will not get results if you don't take the action!

Not setting big goals. This programme isn't about staying small - this is for those looking to level up!

"After just one session, the time with Jacquie was amazing! I have never been more confident or equipped that my business will grow in the brand of my dreams! I loved that Jacquie's approach is really focused on getting the best out of you and your brand in a really organic way."

client feedback

I can't wait to work with you to support you and your business so you can start making those dreams a reality!

Let's skyrocket your personal brand to success, grow your audience & be part of a truly incredible community of successful business bosses!

book a call with jacquie

your next level success starts here!

join for 6 months

join as a founding member


A VIP brand OR BRANDING day with me to scale your business
like never before
(additional value FROM £1.5k)

total value as a member

over £19k / $25k

VIP - join for 12 months

£1888 / $2500

£5555* / $7235

or 6x instalments of £333

or 12x instalments of £555

based on 12 months PIF access


I can't wait to see your business THRIVE over the 6 - 12 months of us working together!!

This is the start of something truly amazing for your journey as an entrepreneur!

Online business accelerator
Entrepreneur coaching program


i want to get the pay in full bonus - what does the vip day involve?

The VIP Day bonus is a fantastic bonus with 2 options. You can choose from a VIP Brand Content Strategy Day to deep dive into scaling your business, creating a brand strategy that is aligned to your vision. Mapping out your content strategy with the actions you need to focus on to level up your brand and bring YOUR vision to life. 
OR you can opt for a VIP Branding Day experience which is a rebrand in a day experience to create your next level brand visuals with your approval as we go throughout the day. This is a fantastic opportunity to bring that branding into alignment with your future vision with a faster turnaround.

if i sign up with pay monthly, can i pay the balance early?

Yes of course! You can settle your balance at any time over the 6 / 12 months. Just send me an email to let me know and we will get that sorted for you.

i'm in a membership with lots of trainings but it's overwhelming. how do the trainings work in the member-mind?

I get that! Sometimes having access to all the trainings can be overwhelming! The member-mind is all about simple, actionable steps to get the results. So whilst there are trainings I can direct you to, the beauty of this programme is you get the bi-weekly group calls and the group community access to ask for support to focus on exactly what you need to keep you on track. No overwhelm over here!
I will only be providing trainings for things that you NEED to scale your business - no 'fluff'!

what if i can't make some of the live group calls?

The group calls will be recorded and sent to all members via email to watch the replay. It's best if you can make the calls to get the most support out of The Powerhouse Brand Academy though but I get it's not always possible.

do you offer a trial period in the brand academy?

I do! If you'd like to see what it's like before you invest in the full 6 or 12 months you can sign up for a 1 month trial period. This is an investment of £1000 which is non refundable. If you decide to stay in the programme after your 30 days has ended, this will be taken off the total cost of your chosen investment option for either 6 or 12 months.

what results will i get?

Success comes from the action-takers. The women who are ready to move! This is not a done for your programme (although there are elements of 1-1 support to help with your brand visuals). But the actions you take will determine the level of results you get.
My most successful clients have boosted their confidence, allowing them to go from hiding to showing up, guest speaking and launching their own group programmes as a leader in their field. They have 10x their visibility following my proven frameworks, tripled their income and consistently attracted their dream clients.
The transformation all of my clients get is getting crystal clear on the right action steps they need to take to bring their vision board to reality. You might have all the ideas but it's how you implement the right actions that gets the results!

can anyone join or is there an application/approval process?

Because this is a community of likeminded women who are on a similar journey, it's really important that every member has been through an application call to ensure they are the right fit. If it's not the right fit I will suggest the best route for you to get the best results for your goals. Each application call is with Jacquie.

is this the right fit for me?

This is for you if you are a coach, consultant, creative or other service provider and you are currently scaling your thriving business and looking to go from 1-1 to group offers. You're looking to stand out, boost your visibility and start showing up a your next level self to attract dream clients and opportunities.
Everyone in The Powerhouse Brand Academy is on the same journey of wanting to become an authority and stand out as an absolute HELL YES for their dream clients, so if this is you too - you'd fit right in and we'd love to get to know you inside the member-mind!

if i sign up to the 6 month option and decide to stay, how can i extend to 12 months?

Absolutely! You can upgrade to the VIP 12 month option at any point during the 6 month experience.
If you choose to upgrade during 30 days of joining and you opt to pay in full (the remaining balance for the 12 month plan will be due), you can also get access to the 12 month pay in full bonus with the VIP Day!

Please note that like all mentoring and coaching programs, I cannot make any guarantees about the results each individual client will get. Whilst previous clients have 3x and even more their income prior to working with me, there is no guarantee the same will apply for everyone. I share educational and informational resources that are intended to help you succeed in your business If you attend all trainings, ensure you take action and follow my guidance, I will support you throughout this programme to help you get results. You nevertheless need to know that your ultimate success or failure will be the result of your own efforts, your particular situation, and innumerable other circumstances beyond my knowledge and control.

Please also note when entering into any payment plan agreement you are committing to completing that payment plan.
Late payments for an instalment will result in the remaining balance being due OR 10% additional charge added for that late payment and access to the programme will be restricted.

If signing up to the 1 month trial period, an investment of £1000 must be made in full and this is non refundable. If you choose to continue in the programme this cost will be deducted from the total investment option you choose from either the 6 or 12 month plan.



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