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personal brand & content creation consulting

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This is where I share all the good stuff. The value, the raw highs and lows of running a business and of course the odd random 'thought of the day' too.

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your next level 6 fig business masterclass series


What to do BEFORE you create your sales funnel


We’ve all heard of them…heck you might even have one, maybe more! Maybe you’ve bought multiple courses, even downloaded the templates with the ‘guaranteed success’ to convert in your emails. BUT Here is what those funnel teachers/coaches/courses don’t teach and it’s honestly THE foundation that is so often missing for business owners when it comes […]

Anyone is a brand & website designer, until they do it


I feel like it’s been a while since I talked about branding and websites…this year has seen an increase in business owners looking to scale by working more on the business strategy side of things (well, for me anyway!). That said, your brand visuals ARE a piece of that next level puzzle so it’s certainly […]

You’ve got the amazing branding but the clients still aren’t coming…here’s why

brand messaging accelerator for female entrepreneurs coaches and leaders

OK this might sting a bit…especially if you jumped all in on rebranding thinking this was going to solve all your problems with getting those clients booking… The thing is, you are not alone! So many entrepreneurs spend so much time on their logo and website, maybe even getting those beautiful images sorted for their […]

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An iconic brand not only stands out and attracts dream clients but also expands networks and boosts income, ultimately creating the freedom to thrive.

Get my FREE Client Attraction Framework below and let's get started with taking that next level.

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