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This is where I share all the good stuff. The value, the raw highs and lows of running a business and of course the odd random 'thought of the day' too.

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your next level 6 fig business masterclass series


How to market your business for when instagram & facebook are down


Today, during an EPIC launch I’ve been a partner for, both Instagram and Facebook went down. Yikes! Not perfect timing BUT one thing is for sure….it had ZERO impact on my business because I don’t fully rely on social media to market my business. Here’s why… When you post on Instagram, the average lifespan of […]

Is your brand too vanilla?


OK, please note that there is nothing wrong with vanilla…it’s an all round ‘nice’ flavour, colour, smell….but, it’s not got the big WOW factor has it?? In this online world, standing out is crucial for success. Yet, many businesses struggle with a brand identity that blends into the background like plain vanilla. While vanilla is […]

6 ways to start making passive income in 2024

small business owners guide to making passive income

It’s 2024 and all there is online right now are faceless accounts and a gazillion people being sucked into the quick wins and overnight success stories to make some extra cash – great for the tiny % that have this kind of success (and it CAN happen, I personally know some people who had massive […]

Top Tips to Boost Your Income & Visibility

How would you like to boost your income and visibility this month? The two go hand in hand – if you are being visible you’ll be showing up in front of more people, growing your audience and helping your dream clients to find you! More dream clients in your audience and the right messaging = […]

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An iconic brand not only stands out and attracts dream clients but also expands networks and boosts income, ultimately creating the freedom to thrive.

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